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RedBike Project Gallery

Showing a few of our diverse projects, going from B2B and infomercial video’s to interactive museum installations and giftware packaging. All with one thing in mind: an excellent costumer experience. 

Interactive Screen for Museum Katwijk

During WW2 many attempts were made to cross the channel by little canoes from Katwijk to England. The stories of these brave men can be seen on the interactive panel.

Theatergroup ‘de Kameraden’

For this enthousiastic group we designed the scenery and the theater promotion poster. The story was a classic ‘who dunnit’ brought to the audience with equal portions of humor and horror.


Poster Rigor Mortis
Interactive column on the boulevard of Katwijk

This custom-made information column contains information about the voyages of the ‘Engelandvaarders’, the monument made by sculptor Jurriaan van Hall and the history of the ‘Zeehospitium’

Vision on a monumental building

How to show the potential of a monumental building, in this case ‘de Volharding’ in The Hague.


Promotion video for the Port of Rotterdam

Promoting container transport by inland vessels. This as an alternative to container transport by road.


We're but a mail away 🙂

7 + 1 =

Package Line for The Constantin Puzzles

Creating a strong giftware package brand for The Constantin Puzzles. To emphasize their unique craftmansship and quality.


Shaped Giftware Package

For the Recent Toys Conversation Coasters, we came up with a concept to shape the packaging.

Twister Puzzle, Meffert's GearCube XXL, distributed worldwide by Recent Toys
Giftware Package for the GearCube XXL

How to emphasize that this is really the big variant of the already well know puzzle? We thought a pallet would do it nicely.

The Practical Pocketsize Bunker Guide

For the Publisher Mellink we made the design for the first ‘accessible and practical Bunker guide to the Atlantikwall for Holland and Belgium’. Twenty of them fit into a convenient compact display tray.


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